Abby told me to say "Cheese". I got the camera so she could say "Cheese."
Swimming diapers on the head. What a fashion statement!!
Smiling away!!
Abby coloring
Dwyer eating carrots.
Abby coloring
Dwyer eating carrots.
Mom's birthday have come and gone. Thank you for the wonderful gifts. Dwyer has started eating his cereal. He has tried rice and oatmeal cereal. He did a whole body shiver for green beans. I don't think he was a fan but loves the carrots. He ate a whole jar the first night.
Dwyer is trying to sit up. He rolls all the time now. He even is starting to reach for you when you go to pick him up.
Abby cracked me up the other day. She was in the bathtub and she splashed the water with her hand. She proceeded to put her hand in time out. She said to her hand, "Go to timeout, you splash the face, say you're sorry, I'm sorry, thank you, I love you." I guess she understands timeout. I have seen her on a couple more times put her hand in timeout. It just cracks me up.