The Life of Abby

Sunday, November 30, 2008

November Happenings

Well I have started back to work. That was an adjustment and with both kids getting sick and then sick again it didn't help. Abby is on her second round of antibiotics with a double ear infection. And with antibiotics comes a diaper rash.

We survived deer season or Dad lived for deer season. Only one deer this year. Oh well. New regulations so what are you to do.

Our sitter had her baby girl this month as well. So Abby got to have the boys say with us for the night. She loved that. I got Dwyer's 3 month pictures taken. We had Dad's parents down for Thanksgiving last Sunday because Abby's uncle was leaving on Thanksgiving.

Abby has good days and bad days with toilet training. We will continue to work on it. I am not giving up this time. It has to happen right? Dwyer is a pretty happy little guy. He loves to watch his sister and is fasinated with the TV. One day while Abby was sick she insisted on holding Dwyer and those are the pictures above in the chair. It's like he is her security blanket. She loves her brother.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

We carved pumpkins a day late but I don't think Abby cared. I asked her what kind of face: happy, mad or sad. She said sad so we (I) cut it out. Now she says in a sad voice, "Pumpkin sad". I imagine it is, it has taken a beating from Yukon outside with all its scratch marks. I put a candle inside to show Abby the jack-o-latern and she said, "birthday." So we celebrated the pumpkin's birthday with a cookie.
Dwyer has been sleeping in his own room in the crib for almost a week. He is such a good baby. He still gets up 2 to 3 times a night but goes right back to sleep without complaint so that is nice. Daylight savings has actually helped me out. I was having a hard time trying to get ready to go back to work. So I am just sticking to my old schedule an hour earlier if you don't adjust for daylight savings and now I'll be on schedule. I guess I'll have to figure out what to do in the spring.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

Winnie the Pooh super sleuth and the pirate

I'll try this again. The first time I tried something happened with the website so had to start over. We had a fun filled Halloween. Abby and I made some sugar cookies. We then all went for a walk, fed the fish and flew Abby's kite. That evening we went to a locate neighborhood for trick or treating and then to the mall and ran all the energy we had left at the playground area.