The Life of Abby

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Abby acting like a typical toddler. Let's test all the limits: whine, make messes, and then act cute like you are innocent. It finally warmed up so we could play outside yesterday and today. You can notice her cheesy grin when I said smile. She also got to get on Daddy's tractor. We did some grocery shopping and that wore me out. Yesterday she tried the whole day without a nap. I couldn't wait for her to get some sleep that night. I even went to bed early. She wants to do it her way so watch out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I think we might finally be getting to one nap a day. She has done it for almost a week. She is going to bed at the earlier time as well so routine seems to be coming back. Boy do I like that. She does like to have a book to look at when she goes to bed at night. I liked these pictures with her playing with the dog and now she will finally wear a hat. I got her some new shoes at Target and she has wanted to wear them around the house ever since. She has been really picking up people's names. Examples "Dole" for Cole, "Tuck" for Tucker, "Ah and Bake" for Austin and Blake and "Char Char" for Charles. We spent a lot of time at the fridge looking at the family & friends pictures.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Abby and I have finished out the week and now we have 3 days together. Maybe we'll do some art or cooking. It is supposed to be cold here. We enjoyed a girl's night out last night and some walking at the mall.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Abby and I had a pretty good weekend. We went to the library, played outside and did some shopping. I even made us shakes which she is enjoying in the picture. She kept saying "Yum yum". I didn't think we were going to be able to get Dad's deer mounted on the wall because Abby just wanted to pet it and say "Nice". I tried switching Abby to one nap at Muranda's and that was a nightmare. I told Muranda sorry and just do what she needs to. She got 2 naps today and was in a much better mood. I am just getting used to the fact that she doesn't want to go to bed until 8:30. You can put her to bed earlier but she will just cry until 9. So I skip the crying and let her go to sleep at 8:30. I don't feel like pulling my hair out that way.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Getting pictures of Abby is getting harder and harder. She wants to see the picture of herself on the camera before I can take it. Abby and I went had a dinner out together. Abby was so good. I love my daughter. It was so much fun. She enjoyed the peanut butter chocolate dessert too. She didn't want to go to bed tonight either. "No nigh nigh," she said. She took marker and drew on some lipstick today. Muranda had fun trying to clean that off.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

We enjoyed having Dad and Uncle around for the holidays but the extra days off are over. Time to get back to work and routine. It took a number on Abby's night time routine. We have had some tearful nights trying to get to sleep. Abby also hit 1 1/2 years old. She has grown so much.

She is learning about time outs and I am learning how to deal with 2 strong willed people in the house. I definitely think there is something to be said for nature and not nuture. Abby is getting better at holding my hand which I find to be a good thing for me. She is also trying stairs without crawling and getting pretty good at it. She gets very determined to figure things out and gets upset when you try to help her. So I've learn to ask if she wants help first.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

We went to Seattle for my grandma's 100th birthday. Abby got to see all her cousins on my side. We had a lot of fun with Christmas at Pamela and Rob's (thank you again for the hospitality), swimming, eating together and the big birthday celebration. It was good to see everyone and now we are home. Happy New Year's!!

Christmas presents

Abby loved her new toys. We wore her out though. She was ready for her morning nap. Dad made it home the week before Christmas and I had Monday off. She got an Aquadoodle from her uncle which I like to play with. Now just need to make room for all the new toys. I fixed us ham and mashed potatoes for Christmas. We also got to go to Great grandma Mette's on Sunday and enjoy everyone there. Abby got some much appreciated books and a tent. It was good to see everyone on Dad's side.