The Life of Abby

Monday, October 29, 2007

Here she is up to no good. I had to work late tonight but we managed to get home and get supper on. We played and I brought the tomato plant in. Last night it frosted. Abby took a bite of 3 of the 5 tomatoes left on the plant. She just couldn't resist. I'll never be allowed to go to the bathroom again. Poor plant.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Well we had a weekend of cleaning house, messing it up again and going swimming. Abby and I may it to the Y today for a little swim in the indoor pool. She would have loved to jump out of my arms. If only I wasn't worried that she would sink. Actually I know she would sink. We played outside, put frosting on cupcakes (I put frosting on the cupcakes. When Abby tried she just put the cupcake in the can of frosting), and doing laundry. Abby picked out her outfit today, we'll see if that was a fluke or a trend we are starting. We went to Taco Bell today. I sat us in the booth by the soda machine. Abby loved watching all the people get there drinks. "Hi there" she would say to the people.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

It took me alwhile to get this downloaded. This is from last week with Abby dancing.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I thought I would get us a small pumpkin for Halloween. I didn't know what Abby would think of taking the guts out but she loved it. It was small enough that she wanted to pick it up and carry it with her. And the best was putting the lid on and it fitting like a puzzle. She was so proud of herself. Needless to say we gave Abby a bath after playing with the pumpkin and that was fun too. We might get some frost in the state tonight.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Abby likes cake. Enough said.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Well she did have to get a shot yesterday. She did good though. She also got her blood drawn for lead. The pediatrician was worried about all the toys that have been recalled. We had a similar toy but it wasn't one that was recalled but better to know that she is alright. For 15 months she is 26 lbs and 5 oz. and height is 31 inches tall. She is still in the 70% to 80% percenticle for weight and height. We went to a children's program this morning about fish. Abby was dancing away so thought I would capture her at home dancing to Disney on TV and singing as well.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Abby and I have had a busy week with me working later. It has stormed and rained here. Abby had to take a bath tonight after she wore her yogurt from supper. We go for her 15 month well baby visit tomorrow.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We got Abby a baby today. She was enjoying feeding it and giving it love. I finally just took her and the baby upstairs and stuck them in the crib together so Abby would take her nap. We ran some errands today and got stuff out to make jerky. We went threw most of our deer meat from last year. Only six packages left. I'd say we planned that right.

Here's a video of Abby playing in the sand. She loves it. We also took a walk last night and swung on the tree swing. No big plans for the weekend. Maybe we will try and make some jerky for deer season. Need to get the freezer organized for it anyways. It has finally cooled off. Abby got her 1st timeout for hitting. Let the discipline begin.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Abby and I didn't do too much today. We went and got dog food, looked for deals at Old Navy and made it to the mall. Abby loves the slides. I tried to capture a video of Abby hissing like a snake. Tomorrow we will probably hang out with Steph for a while. Here is what Abby has to say "k l ,,,,,pl". We'll let that do.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Abby and I just hung out at home today. We got to bed late last night so Abby slept in until 8:30. That was so nice. I actually woke up before her. Everything happened a little later than with meals and naps. Abby's new things are to hissss like a snake and say "yum yum". We played outside and went for a 4 wheeler ride. She like to hold the handle bars but her arms have to stretch as far as they'll go to touch each handle bar. We took a bath and played downstairs. That's about it.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Abby was pleased with herself today. She was serving herself up some blue yogurt. She was actually getting the hang of it.
It was rainy here today. Abby was helping me unload the cart at the store and then was trying to bring the grocery's to me in the kitchen. What a big help she is. I think the gallon of milk was too heavy for her though.