The Life of Abby

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Dad and I are spoiling Abby again. We noticed she really was starting to jump in your lap so we got her a johny jump up. The new version that can go anywhere in the room. She seems to like it. She looks like a little person to me with her head held up. Yesterday was another day at work with an evening of pizza and today we did some shopping and are taking it easy at home for the rest of the day.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dad arrived home yesterday so Abby and I were happy. Abby also took a nap with Dad. We had rain here last night. And today I went back to work. I took Abby to the sitter so Dad could recover from the jetlag. Abby did good at the sitter. She was a little fussy when she got tired but she does that with me too. Work went really good. We were busy so that was good for the first day. It didn't give my mind much time to wander. Abby is getting ready for turkey season, that is why she is in camo.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Look at Abby with her head up. She is getting pretty good at it. No rolling over though. We are looking forward to Dad coming home tomorrow. Today we are going to clean up the house and go to the mall. Abby has been sleeping 10 to 11 hours through the night. I got worried and called the pediatrician. They said that was fine since her weight was so good. I guess our little one just likes her sleep. I guess she gets that from me and not her Dad. We went on a walk this morning and I carried Abby. She loves to look at those trees. She will arch her back so she can take it all in.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Abby and I went to have lunch with Jen (our realtor). Abby really enjoyed listening to Jen. Jen is having twins so it is very exciting to hear about it. Abby was sound asleep when we left so I was able to get my grocery shopping done. We walked the dog this morning but just Abby and I are going to go walk with Steph tonight. Yukon likes to roam all over the vehicle and that makes me a nervous wreck. Abby started talking to her Dad on the phone this morning when I held it up to her ear. What a cutie.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Abby has had a pretty good day. We went to church and she loved looking at all the people. She is quite the social bug. She has been using those hands to pull things to her mouth as you can see with the book. I made the mistake of scaring her today. Boy she started crying so I put her down for a nap. I guess she was tired and I scared it right out of her. I am trying a new technique of having her take naps in the crib instead of the pack n play. I guess it worked because she is still sleeping. There is too much going on to sleep in the living room.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Abby and I went and saw Steph and her family. Abby really liked Trenton who is 10 months old. She would just laugh at him. Matt told her that she was not to flirt with those boys and is grounded. I thought I was going to run out of baby wipes. Abby was nice enough to explode in both the outfits I brought her. Oh well. It was good to see Steph and her family again. Abby slept in the car both there and back so that made it easy. Trenton really liked Abby and even got upset when I took her upstairs to feed her. They thought Trenton would hit Abby too hard but it couldn't be as bad as when Yukon tries to step on her. (That hasn't happened by the way.) It didn't storm yesterday or today so I don't know what the weathermen were predicting.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Here is another picture of the pup and baby. We are just hanging out at home today. It is supposed to storm this afternoon and tomorrow. We already enjoyed our walk. We might talk a quick run to the post office and store. We'll probably take the pup with us since she has been dying for another car ride. Abby is getting used to being put on her tummy. She is getting pretty good at lifting her head up on her own. But when she gets tired she puts the head back down and sucks on those fingers.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Today we went to the store to exchange diapers. The little one is outgrowing her others. We also went and had lunch at IHOP and Abby enjoyed looking at everyone. Those people or maybe the fan were so interesting she forgot she was hungry. When we came home, we played upstairs with Yukon. Abby is starting too really enjoy the dog. She gets happy when Yukon is just walking around. And Yukon just keeps licking her hands and face.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leaving for work today was alot easier. I didn't cry and Abby did good again. Last night Abby didn't sleep too well because I let the house get too cold. I am not so smart. I guess when she is used to sleeping at 72 degrees, 66 degrees is a shock to the system. After work we went on a shopping spree and got some good deals. We also made a trip to the library to get some books.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Today was the first half day back at work. I cried. I cried last night, I cried this morning in the car, dropping her off and at work. But my boss was kind enough to put me right to work and I did fine. Miranda said Abby did fine too. I am not surprised that she did good though. I think Yukon went through some shock too. Where was everybody all morning? She wanted to ride in the van so bad when we left and tried to get in every door. Silly dog. Then she ran around and around the van. Abby and I took a good nap this afternoon since I was tired from not sleeping last night. For some reason I thought I might have forgotten how to work but it came back just fine. Thanks for everyone's support with me going back to work. I appreciate all the encouraging words.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Here is happy Abby. Today we just hung out together. I held Abby alot. I guess from the guilt of going back to work tomorrow. Abby did enjoy watching me make supper from the kitchen floor. The puppy might have to start hanging out more and more outside. Abby likes being pulled around on the blanket on the hardwood floors.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

It is raining outside so we are inside today. Abby and I did make it to Dollar General and the grocery store. I think Abby really enjoys being carried around just looking at things. I noticed she likes going up and down the stairs. If she is crying head for the stairs and she'll stop for a little bit. Sounds like she is waking up from her nap. Gotta go.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

This morning Abby and I went with Steph to the Harvest Festival here in town. It was very cool. They had all kinds of activities for kids and will be a great activity for Abby as she gets older. They had things from local businesses, too. Some of the kids activities were decorating your own cookie, face painting, the crime stopper dog, grimace and the hamburgerlar from McDonalds. We then made a trip to the mall and back home again. Abby and I will just hang out at home for the rest of the day. It was nice out with the temperature at 75 degrees. It's suppose to get up to 86 degrees though. I hope my sister is enjoying her visit with Mom and Dad.

Friday, September 15, 2006

I brought out some new toys for Abby today. They kept her entertained for a little while. I think she was enjoying making noise with them. We made a small trip in to town this morning and took extras to the sitter to get ready for next week. I am doing a couple days part time to ease myself back into work. Abby and I also spent some time outside watching the dog. That can be entertaining as well with her sqeaky football.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today we got up early. We have eaten and went for a walk. Not much else. Yesterday I got the new plates for the van and went to the craft store. Abby was asleep and out after she got fed. Abby was talking to Yukon yesterday. Yukon was squeaking her toy football and Abby was trying to talk back to her. It was pretty funny. We have a friend coming over tonight for dinner. Yeah!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Man I compared this picture to last month and was amazed. I guess she is growing. We have started out with a great day. Abby and I are going to town to have lunch with friends. Not much else planned. Just a couple errands and then probably home again. It is starting to get cooler outside and the leaves are starting to change. I let Abby listened to the rain the other night. She seems to like the outdoors.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today we woke up early. We had breakfast and then a nap. Abby has a low grade fever from her shots. I gave her some Tylenol and lots of snuggling. Then this afternoon we took out the trash, took a walk and made it to Target and the library. But Abby is still a little fussy so I'd better get back to her.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Abby has done a lot of thumb sucking today. She got her 2 month shots so I can't blame her. She cried and Mom cried. 3 shots was too many. It was hard to make her feel better because when you pick her up she would cry because it hurts. So I gave her some Tylenol and she took some good long naps and this evening we are doing better. What a trooper. I got the rattle in her hand and just went to check on her. She has slobber all over her face. Boy is that rattle good. She gagged on the oral rotavirus vaccine. But other than that the doctor said she is doing well.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Today I got Abby to sleep in with me and we have been hanging out together. She helped me go through my old clothes again. Trying to figure out whether to bring out winter clothes yet. I don't think we have left summer. It is still 80 degrees out today. Yukon helped me organize some stuff in the van. I then had to open several doors and chase her around so that we could go back in the house. The van was hot and she was panting away but was determined to stay and go for a ride. Abby has enjoyed a Parents magazine, sucking her thumb and talking to Mom all day. I like to look at Abby while I am talking on the phone and she will just talk back to me like the phone is not there. Watch out Dad!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Abby is sleeping away in Mom and Dad's bed. She looks so little when in our big bed. She does sleep well there. Today we made a trip to Kohl's and ToyrUs with a friend. Then Mom left Abby with another friend while she went to the movies. I thought I should do this before I go back to work. She did fine but Mom got teary eyed. I don't know if it will ever get easier. She had fun entertaining others though.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Today I got Abby to hold the rattle and as you can see she got in to her mouth. Boy was it good to eat. Yesterday we went and saw the sitter. Getting everything situated for me going back to work. We ran some errands and then had the afternoon at home. We went to a friend's house for supper and Abby enjoyed having someone else to smile at. We plan on heading out to the grocery store this afternoon. She took two good naps today so hopefully we can make it to the store while she has another nap. She's been staying pretty consistant at going to bed around 9pm. I tried to see if she would go to bed earlier last night and I was met with some crying. Abby is wondering why I am messing with a good thing. She is sleeping 7 to 9 hours in a row each night.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Not much going on today. We did some of the house chores and that's about it. We took Yukon for a walk to the mailbox. Yesterday we went on a 45 minute walk in town. I could tell today I wasn't used to walking for that long. Got some stinking bug bites from the walk though. It was good to get out with the temperature at 74 degrees and a cool breeze. Abby is getting in more of a schedule as in eat, play, take a nap and repeat. It's nice to know what to expect. She has taken to bottles just fine. She lets me know if she doesn't get enough and will cry for more. At least I know she won't let me starve her.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Abby is an Angel. Last night I put her to bed at 9:30 and I went to bed at 10:30. She woke up at 6:45. Can you do the math? I got 8 hours of sleep. Yippee. I love our child so much. Yesterday we made a trip to see great grandma and grandpa. It was good to see them. We also went and saw some old friends before heading back home. Abby did great. We are going to have lunch with friends today and take Mom to the dentist. How can I not love a child who is being so good.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I got a picture of the little one sucking her thumb. Today we have Dad's aunt down for a visit. We went to the mall so Mom could get her haircut and have just been hanging out at the house after that. Not much else just letting Abby get spoiled by someone else for a change.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Well it is 5 pm and I am still in my pj's. I guess that can explain how my day has been. I thought I would get in a shower but nope. Abby has been upset for some reason. So she has eaten more often and doesn't want to be put down for a nap. She has liked constant attention. After holding her for an hour while she slept, I have just now been able to put her down. I think I will let her sleep as much as she needs to. Poor little thing. Well I will try for a shower tomorrow. It started last night when she didn't want to go to sleep until 10:30. Hopefully tonight things go better.

Friday, September 01, 2006

This morning Abby got a bath. She doesn't seem to mind them as long as we do it in the bathroom with the heat on. I guess when she gets cold she gets mad. I can understand that. I spiked up her hair for the picture. You can barely tell but it is getting thicker and longer. She has also really started liking to suck her thumb. I don't know where she got that from. It'll be fine with me if she wants to suck it. Maybe hers tastes like strawberries also. We got to sleep in this morning. Abby was ready to be up at 6:30 am and I brought her to bed with me and yeah we got up at 9 am.